Best EMF Meter

The EMF meters are small devices for detecting and monitoring harmful electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic radiation. In other words, they are measuring instruments for radio frequency (RF), electric field (EF), and magnetic field (MF). Some of these products can detect the EMF in the 5G band, but engineers are the people who commonly use those.

EMF waves are emitted by natural objects and artificial devices such as microwaves, televisions, mobile phones, and electrical power. Magnetic waves are generated when a charged electrical particle moves within a conductor. The alternating current flowing in electrical wires has electric fields and produces magnetic fields around the conductor.

EMF meters detect these EMF waves and often have alarms to warn you if the limits are exceeded. EMFs are used in many real-world applications but can also be highly dangerous to humans at high levels. That’s why they are contained in microwaves and many other devices. However, leakages are often unavoidable, which necessitates the need for an EMF meter.

EMF meters vary in technical specifications and features, which makes it challenging to buy the right product. Some are single-axis meters, while others are tri-axis meters. Some have the data-logging ability, while others don’t. We will review the best EMF meters in this post, which are ideal for non-professional uses and ghost hunting. You may consider EMF meters for engineers with better technical specifications.

EMF Meter
EMF Meter

Top 10 Best EMF Meter Reviews in 2025

EMF meters come in all designs and shapes. Their features and functions also vary from product to product, making it challenging to buy what is best for you. We will review the best EMF meters across different price ranges and capabilities to help you make the best decision. Let’s dive right in!

ProductPicturesDetectionMeasurement RangePrice???
1. Trifield TF2 [Best Overall]TriField EMF Meter Detects Radio, Magnetic & Electric Fields - For 5G, Cell Towers, WiFi, Bluetooth, Smart Meters - Best OverallEF, MF, RFMF: up to 100 mG
EF: up to 1000 V/m
RF: up to 19.999 mW/m²
2. GQ EMF-390V2GQ EMF-390 3-in-1 EMF ELF RF Meter, 5G Cell Tower Smart Meter WiFi Signal Detector RF up to 10GHz with Data Logger and 2.5Ghz Spectrum AnalyzerMF, EF, RFMF: up to 500 mG
EF: Up to 1000 V/m
RF: 0.02 µW/m² - 9999 mW/m²
3. ErickHillERICKHILL EMF Meter, Rechargeable Digital Electromagnetic Field Radiation Detector Hand-held Digital LCD EMF Detector, Great Tester for Home EMF Inspections, Office, Outdoor and Ghost HuntingMF, EFMF: 0.1 mG - 999.99 mG
EF: 1 V/m - 1999 V/m
4. Engindot MET01 EMF meterEngindot MET01 EMF MeterMF, EFEF: 1 - 1999 V/M
MF: 0.1 - 199.9 mG
5. Greenwave Dirty ElectricityGreenwave Broadband EMI Dirty Electricity MeterDirty ElectricityDetection range: 3 kHz to 10 MHzPrice!
6. Acousticom 2 RF DetectorAcousticom 2 RF DetectorRF200 - 8000 MHz ±6 dBPrice!
7. Cornet ED-88TCORNET ED-88T 100MHz-8GHz Tri-mode device | RF LF ELF Meter | Made in USA | 2016MF, RF, EFMF: 1 mG to 500 mG
EF: 10 V/m to 1000 V/m
RF: 100 MHz to 8 GHz
8. Acousticom AM-11EMFields Acoustimeter AM11 EMF Meter, EMF Detector Now Measures 5G, Widest Spectrum 0.2-8.0GHz, Measure Peak and Average RF Exposure, Built-in SpeakerRF200 - 8000 MHz ±6 dBPrice!
9. Safe and Sound Classic IINew 5G Safe and Sound Classic II RF Meter by Safe Living TechnologiesRF1 000 000 μW/m²Price!
10. VlifreeVlifree EMF MeterMF, EFMF: 0.1 - 199.9 mG
EF: 1 - 1999 V/M

1. Trifield TF2 EMF Meter [Best Overall]

TriField EMF Meter Detects Radio, Magnetic & Electric Fields - For 5G, Cell Towers, WiFi, Bluetooth, Smart Meters - Best Overall

Trifield TF2 EMF meter is the first on the list because of its superior features and functions. This device has 3 separate sensors for detecting and measuring EF, RF, and MF, with a 3-axis magnetic sensor is 3-axis. That means you can measure magnetic fields regardless of how you orient the device. But for EF and RF, you should point the device to the source and not block the signals with your hand.

Trifield TF2 can read magnetic fields within the frequency range of 40Hz to 100kHz with an accuracy of 4% at 50Hz or 60Hz. It is equally accurate for measuring electric fields and RF signals. It is capable of an RF range of 20MHz-6GHz with an accuracy of 20% at 1GHz.

This EMF meter has a large LCD screen for showing accurate readings. The adjustable LCD backlight makes it comfortable for the eye and ideal for nighttime use. However, it does not display the frequency of the detected EMF.


MF Radiation

  • Sensor Type: 3-axis, the true magnitude
  • Frequency Range (NOT displayed): 40 Hz – 100 kHz
  • Accuracy: ±4% @ 50/60 Hz
  • Maximum Range: 100.0 milligauss
  • Sensitivity (Resolution): 0.1 milligauss

EF Radiation

  • Sensor Type: 1-axis, the true magnitude
  • Frequency Range (NOT displayed): 40 Hz – 100 kHz
  • Accuracy: ±5% @ 50/60 Hz
  • Maximum Range: 1000 V/m
  • Sensitivity (Resolution): 1 V/m


  • Sensor Type: 1-axis
  • Frequency Range (NOT displayed): 20 MHz – 6 GHz
  • Accuracy: ±20% @ 1 GHz
  • Maximum Range: 19.999 mW/m^2
  • Sensitivity (Resolution): 0.001mW/m^2

Battery Life Backlight Off: > 20 hrs

Battery Life Backlight On: > 12 hrs


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  • Easy to use – operable by just turning a knob
  • Large LCD with adjustable backlight
  • Detects mobile phone signals and Wi-Fi EMF.
  • 3-axis EMF meter
  • Detects all EMF types (RF, EF, and MF)
  • Captures faster pulses, including digital signals


  • Does not display signal frequency
  • A little bit expensive

2. GQ EMF-390V2 Multipurpose EMF Meter with Spectrum Analyzer [Second Best Choice]

GQ EMF-390 3-in-1 EMF ELF RF Meter, 5G Cell Tower Smart Meter WiFi Signal Detector RF up to 10GHz with Data Logger and 2.5Ghz Spectrum Analyzer

GQ EMF-390V2 is a multipurpose EMF meter that exceeds expectations. It can measure 3-axis magnetic fields, electric fields, and radio frequencies. Additionally, this device has a radio spectrum analyzer (five bands up to 2.504Ghz) and real-time data logging capability. It is a portable, accurate, and convenient EMF, EF, and RF radiation detector and measuring instrument.

This highly sensitive device allows you to check and measure EMF radiation from many sources. You can use it to monitor Wi-Fi signal strength, smart meter signal, spy wireless video camera signals, and track radio signals in the air. It also offers professional applications and scientific uses. It detects signals from Power lines, Wi-Fi, Cell phones, 2G/3G/4G/5G Cell towers (low-medium band), microwaves, Smart Meters, etc.

This handheld EMF meter has an ultra-fast response, detecting even 5G signals as fast as 250nS (nanosecond) digital RF pulses. Check its specifications for a complete picture of GQ EMF-390V2.

Unlike other EMF meters, GQ EMF-390V2 has a built-in flash memory for data logging. It stores data in real-time every second with a timestamp. Besides, this device has an open protocol for integration with other systems, including your PC.


EMF (Electromagnetic Field)

  • Triple axis (X, Y, Z)
  • Range: 0.00 – 500mG, 0.00 to 50µT
  • Resolution: 0.1/1 mG or 0.01/0.1µT

EF (Electric Field)

  • Range: 0V/m to 1000V/m
  • Resolution: 1V/m
  • Frequency independent

RF Field (Radio Frequency Field)

  • Range: 0.02µW/m² – 9999mW/m²
  • Resolution: 0.01μW/m², 0.1μA/m, 0.1mV/m, 0.001μW/cm², 1dB
  • Frequency range: up to 10 GHz
  • RF Spectrum Analyzer: five bands up to 2.504Ghz


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  • Detects EMF, RF, and EF
  • Has audible and visual alarm
  • Automatically identify the radiation source
  • Data-logging capability – stores up to 24 hours of past data
  • Free PC software downloadable from the manufacturer’s site
  • Open communication protocol
  • Large LCD screen maximizes the information displayed


  • Requires some time to learn how to use

3. ErickHill EMF Meter [Best Budget]

ERICKHILL EMF Meter, Rechargeable Digital Electromagnetic Field Radiation Detector Hand-held Digital LCD EMF Detector, Great Tester for Home EMF Inspections, Office, Outdoor and Ghost Hunting

ErickHill is a cost-effective EMF meter you can buy on a tight budget. You get a reliable, handheld device for detecting and measuring EF and MF radiations with just a few bucks. The only downsides are the incapability to detect RF and the lack of a data logging function. Otherwise, ErickHill remains one of the best choices.

This EMF meter features a large LCD screen for showing the radiation values. It activates an audio-visual alarm if the detected values exceed the 0.4µT (4mG) or 40V/m limit. The indicator will flash, the display unit turns red, and the buzzer goes off. There is an option for turning the buzzer off if you work in a quiet place.

ErickHill EMF meter has many applications comparable to high-end options. You can use it for testing EMF radiations from your TV, computer, microwave, printer, refrigerator, and low-frequency home appliance. But it is also ideal for ghost hunting.


Electric Field

  • Range: 1V/m-1999V/m
  • Alarm threshold: >40V/m
  • Resolution: 1V/m

Magnetic Field

  • Range: 0.01μT-99.99μT / 0.1 mG – 999.99 mG
  • Alarm threshold: >0.4μT / 4mG
  • Resolution: 0.01μT / 0.1 mG


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  • Easy to operate
  • Has audio-visual alarm
  • Has a multifunctional power switch capable of holding data for viewing
  • Large and clear LCD screen
  • Affordable
  • Lightweight and portable


  • Does not detect RF
  • Data-logging not supported

4. Engindot MET01 EMF Meter [Another Budget Choice]

Engindot MET01 EMF Meter

Engindot is one of the affordable EMF meters with a lot to offer. This device is ideal for students, DIYers, and the general public who want to reduce EMF radiation’s dangers around their homes and workplaces. It can detect and test radiation from Wi-Fi signals, induction cookers, cell phones, TVs, refrigerators, computers, electrical wires, and other low-frequency appliances.

Engindot detects and measures MF and EF, but not an option if you want to measure RF radiations. It can test EMF from 0.1 to 199.9mG with a resolution of 0.1mG/0.01µT and EF from 1-1999V/M with 1V/M resolution. Additionally. This EMF meter doubles as a thermometer. It can measure ambient temperature from 32 degrees Fahrenheit to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

Engindot is a lightweight, handheld device with stunning features. It has a data hold, one key lock, auto shutoff, a safe value setting, and an LCD screen.


EMF measurement

  • Range: 0.1-199.9 mG / 0.01-19.99µT
  • Resolution: 0.1 mG / 0.01µT
  • Alarm threshold: > 4.0 mg / > 0.4µT

EF measurement

  • Range: 1-1999 V/M
  • Resolution: 1 V/M
  • Alarm threshold: > 40 V/M

Ambient temperature measurement

  • Measurement Range: 0~50℃ / 32~122℉
  • Resolution:1℃ / ℉
  • Precision: ±1.5℃ / 3℉


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  • Has audio-visual alarm
  • Easy to use with multifunctional buttons
  • Very affordable
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Measures ambient temperature
  • Automatic shutdown within 15 minutes of inactivity
  • Has a flashlight at the back for use in dark areas


  • RF radiation measurement is unsupported
  • No data-logging

5. Greenwave Dirty Electricity EMI Meter

Greenwave Broadband EMI Dirty Electricity Meter

The Greenwave Broadband dirty electricity meter is not an EMF meter as such but a vital device for electricians. The meter measures dirty electricity (electrical noise) in power lines and building installations. It covers a wide range with a frequency range from 3kHZ to 10MHz and can work with single-phase voltages. But never use it in electrical circuits with voltages above 240V. Otherwise, you will destroy the meter.

The Greenwave Dirty Electricity converts the electrical noise in wiring and installations into audible sound. That makes installing filters easy as you can test the effectiveness on the spot. It displays the old value before installing the dirty electricity filter and after doing so. You can also notice the sound difference from the electrical noise.

This device is easy to use. You only connect it to the outlet to measure the amount of dirty electricity in the circuit.


  • Voltage range: single-phase 100-240V
  • Frequency: 50/60-Hz
  • Detection range: 3 kHz to 10 MHz


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  • LCD screen for displaying electrical noise before and after filter installation
  • Converts electrical noise into an audible signal
  • Compatible with both 50 and 60 Hz systems
  • Easy to use


  • No reverse polarity protection
  • Low voltage range

6. Acousticom 2 RF Detector

Acousticom 2 RF Detector

If you are looking for an affordable RF meter, choose Acousticom 2 RF Detector. This device is designed to detect RF audio signals between 200MHz to 8,000MHz. It has a set of LEDs that shows different RF radiation levels with a sensitivity of 0.01 – 6.00 volts per meter. The LEDs light on to correspond to 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, and 6.0 V/m, but there are other intermediaries when two LEDs light up.

You can know the detection level and if the RF audio signal within your home or workplace exceeds the limit. Fortunately, an alarm will alert you at a high exposure level if you keep it on.

The Acousticom 2 RF Detector detects audio signals from most communication systems in your immediate surroundings. It measures RF signals from mobile base stations, NBN towers, Wi-Fi, cordless phones, and other wireless devices.


  • Measurement range: 200 – 8 000 MHz ±6 dB (typical accuracy)
  • Sensitivity (Peak Display): 0.01 – 6.00 volts per meter (V/m)
  • Battery life: Up to 10 hours continuous


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  • Affordable
  • High sensitivity, reliability, and accuracy
  • Up to 5 years warranty
  • Easy to use
  • Covers a wide RF signal frequency range
  • Has an audible alarm that can be turned on or off


  • Only for measuring RF radiations
  • Does not display the frequency

7. Cornet ED-88T EMF Meter

CORNET ED-88T 100MHz-8GHz Tri-mode device | RF LF ELF Meter | Made in USA | 2016

The Cornet ED-88T EMF meter is one of the best if you can afford it. It is a reliable device for detecting and measuring EMF, RF, and EF radiations from different electrical and electronic appliances. It is widely used in telecommunications and other areas, including the following:

  • RF Transmitters’ power output measurement
  • Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) detection, installations
  • Spy camera, wireless bug finder
  • Cellular/cordless phone radiation safety level
  • Microwave oven leakage detection
  • AC power line, Transformer radiation
  • Cellular phone base station radiation power Density safety measurement

Besides the fast response and high accuracy of Cornet ED-88T, it has many features and functions. It is one of the few EMF meters with data logging capability. Still, it stands out with its programmable time interval. You can set it to store data after 0.5 seconds to 3 minutes for up to 50 hours. Cornet ED-88T also has a USB port for interfacing with a computer if you want to analyze the recorded data with your computer.

Cornet ED-88T EMF meter also features a frequency counter that supports all 5G mobile frequency bands. It includes a 5G mobile frequency indicator, making it ideal even for engineers.


  • RF detection range: 100 MHz to 8 GHz (–65 dBm to 5 dBm)
  • MF frequency range 1: 50 Hz to 10 kHz (0.1 uT to 50 uT)/(1 mG to 500 mG)
  • MF frequency range 2: 50 Hz to 1 kHz (0.01 uT to 1 uT)/(0.1 mG to 10 mG)
  • EF frequency range: 50 Hz to 10 kHz (10 V/m to 1000 V/m)
  • Peak RF power density measurement: 0.5 uW/m2 to 1.8 W/m2
  • Frequency counter for on-air digital RF signals range: 100 MHz to 2.7 GHz


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  • Multipurpose EMF meter
  • Max, average, and hold function
  • Ultra-fast color LED 8-segment level display
  • Sound signature analysis with volume control
  • Programmable time interval (0.5sec. to 3min.)
  • Data Logging/Recording of 1000 measured data automatically


  • Expensive
  • Overly simplified user interface

8. EMFields Acoustimeter AM-11 EMF Meter

EMFields Acoustimeter AM11 EMF Meter, EMF Detector Now Measures 5G, Widest Spectrum 0.2-8.0GHz, Measure Peak and Average RF Exposure, Built-in Speaker

Acousticom AM-11 EMF Meter is another easy-to-use device for detecting and measuring RF radiations. It measures peak and average signals and shows readings by illuminating corresponding LEDs. This EMF meter can read RF signals from almost all wireless technology, including those using the 5G bands.

Buy Acousticom AM-11 EMF Meter if you want to detect RF from mobile phones, smart meters, Wi-Fi routers, and many other gadgets. It has a wide measurement range of 200 – 8 000 MHz and can continuously operate for up to 20 hours.

This is a fast-response RF meter capable of taking thousands of measurements per second. You can use it to measure the total exposure to RF radiation in any area to mark safe and hot spots. Its audible alarm helps you identify the radiation sources.


  • A digital readout down to 0.02 V/m or 1uW/m2
  • Sound demodulation may be heard at RF levels below 0.02 V/m
  • Measurement range: 200 – 8 000 MHz ±6 dB ±0.02 V/m
  • Sensitivity (Peak Display): 0.02 V/m – 10.00 V/m
  • Sensitivity (Average Display): 0.1 µW/m2 – 250 000 µW/m2
  • LEDs go from 0.02 V/m – 6.00 V/m (peak) and 1 µW/m2 – 100 000 µW/m2
  • Power draw: 100-150 mA at 3V
  • Battery life: 20 hours


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  • Easy to install and use
  • Has a wide frequency range
  • Comes with a soft carry case
  • Has colored LED lights for safety guidance


  • Only for RF radiation
  • Not the best design
  • Relatively expensive

9. Safe and Sound Classic II RF Detector

New 5G Safe and Sound Classic II RF Meter by Safe Living Technologies

Safe and Sound Classic II is another compact, easy-to-use RF detector manufactured to the best standards. It is the best choice for measuring RF signals from 2MHz to 8,000GHz. As a result, this RF meter has multiple uses, including monitoring the following:

  • Smart meter emissions
  • Wireless routers (both 2.4 and 5 GHz channels) RF emission
  • Cell tower signals, including many 5G signals.
  • Cell phone emissions
  • Cordless home phones
  • Bluetooth devices
  • Airport radar
  • Microwave oven leakage detection, etc.

Safe and Sound Classic II uses a set of LEDs and turns on the one corresponding to the measured RF radiation. The prints on the device also make it easy to estimate the RF exposure in your home or where you live. It also has a sounding signature analysis for identifying the source of RF radiations you are exposed to.

Safe and Sound Classic II uses state-of-the-art measurement technology that gives it a high sensitivity. Its measurement ranges are also based on the latest building biology guidelines. This device also boasts quality and authenticity!


  • True response detection range: 200MHz – 8GHz
  • Sensitivity: below 1 µW/m²
  • Measurement Range: <1μW/m² to >1 000 000μW/m²
  • Battery life: 12-20hours


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  • Bigger Speaker – Louder Sounds
  • Longer Battery Life
  • Easy to use
  • Small, durable, and compact handheld design
  • Has a wide frequency response range
  • Has 2 Year Warranty


  • For measuring RF radiations only

10. Vlifree EMF Meter

Vlifree EMF Meter

Vlifree is an affordable EMF meter with other capabilities. Unlike other EMF meters, this device can also measure electric fields and ambient temperatures. It is an ideal choice for the general public and ghost hunters. Vlifree has an EMF detection range of 5Hz to 3,500 Hz.

The Vlifree EMF meter is equipped with an LED indicator light alarm. It also sounds a buzzer if radiation exceeds the safety limit. But you can disable the sound alarm if undesired for your application. This device also features a backlit LCD screen with big fonts for easy reading even in darkness.

This EMF meter is one of the household devices, thanks to its supporting features. Vlifree has a flashlight, tripod mounting thread, and a compact and lightweight design.

It is most commonly used in testing radiation from microwave ovens, cell towers, low-frequency home appliances, ghost hunting, etc.


EMF Measurement

  • Range: 0.1-199.9mG / 0.01-19.99µT
  • Resolution: 0.1mG / 0.01µT
  • Alarm threshold: > 4.0mG / > 0.4µT

EF Measurement

  • Range:1-1999V/M
  • Resolution: 1V/M
  • Alarm threshold: > 40 V/M

Ambient Temperature

  • Range: 0-50℃ / 32-122℉
  • Resolution: 1℃ / ℉


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  • Has multifunctional buttons
  • Audio-visual alarm
  • Has flashlight and backlit LCD for nighttime use
  • Very affordable
  • Compact and portable
  • Measures ambient temperature


  • Does not measure RF radiation
  • No data-logging capability

Best EMF Meters Buying Guide

EMF meters vary in design, features, and functions. They have different capabilities, and your choice is influenced by these factors. When looking for the best EMF meter to buy, consider the following factors:

1. Detection Ability

A good EMF meter should be able to detect RF, MF, and EF. It is a bonus if it can also measure ambient temperature or have additional features such as data logging. Look for a tri-axis EMF meter if you can afford it because these are not affected by the orientation. But you can also find reliable single-axis meters.

Specialty EMF meters also exist. These can only measure radio frequency or dirty electricity (noise in an electric circuit). These can be a good choice if you want the device only for that purpose.

2. Frequency Range

An EMF meter with a wide frequency range is essential because the MF, EF, and RF come from various sources. If you want a device that can detect radiations from different equipment and home appliances, consider one with a wide frequency range.

RF signals are usually between 3kHz and 300GHz, and Wi-Fi networks use 2.4GHz or 5GHz. On the other hand, your mobile cell phone communicates wirelessly with the tower at 800 MHz, 1800 MHz, and 2600 MHz. And the power grid has a frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz. Your EMF meter of choice should cover these frequencies, but that should also depend on the intended application.

3. Accuracy and Sensitivity

Accuracy and sensitivity determine the quality of the EMF meter. Accurate and sensitive ones have low error margins and respond quickly to changes in EMF radiation. Once again, choose these parameters depending on the intended use.

4. Data Display and Alarms

Most EMF meters have an LCD screen for displaying the measured EMFs in real-time. These are preferred, especially those equipped with backlit display units. But you can also find some EMF meters that use LEDs. These can be a good choice if they are specialty devices.

Apart from the display, some EMF meters have data-logging capability and connection to a PC for better viewing. These may be more expensive but ideal for students and researchers who need to analyze the data later. Almost all EMF meters have audio-visual alarms to warn you if you are exposed to high doses of EMF radiation.

5. Price and Warranty

Most expensive EMF meters offer the best features and functionality. They are the best choice if you can afford them. But if you have a tight budget, look for pocket-friendly devices. These are equally good but may lack some functions. Also, an EMF meter backed with a manufacturer’s warranty is the best choice. It assures you of quality and gives you a window to return the product if you are unsatisfied.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How to Check the Accuracy of an EMF meter?

A: Checking the accuracy of an EMF meter involves calibrating every sensor it has. These devices have an EF sensor, MF sensor, RF sensor, or both. The calibration is achieved by measuring the EMF of a known source. You may need to do this professionally if you intend to use it for R&D purposes.

Q: What is the safe limit of RF, EF, and MF radiation?

A: The safe limits for these radiation types are as follows:

  • Magnetic Field: not more than 1 mG for daytime and 0.1 mG for nighttime
  • Radio Frequency: not more than 0.2 V/m during the day and 0.06 V/m at night time
  • Electric Field: no higher than 10 V/m during the daytime and 1.5 V/m at night.

Q: How to protect ourselves from this radiation?

A: You can protect yourself from EMF radiation by limiting the use of appliances and devices that generate them. Turn off Wi-Fi routers when not in use, practice proper cell phone hygiene, and minimize the use of wireless wearables and wireless baby monitors. You can also use shielding technologies, such as EMF blankets and bed canopies.

Q: What is RF radiation?

A: Radio frequency (RF) refers to signals from wireless communication devices, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cell phone, routers, cell towers, remote controls, gaming consoles, wireless cameras, etc. We are actually surrounded by invisible RF radiations.

Q: What are EF (Electric Field) and MF (Magnetic Field) radiation?

A: Charge electrons are inherently surrounded by an electric Field. A magnetic field is generated around the conductor when charged electrons are accelerated through a conductor. These fields radiate outwards in the form of electromagnetic fields. EF and MF radiations come from electrical appliances, such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc.

Q: How to detect 5G radiation?

A: You can detect 5G radiation by using an appropriate EMF meter. 5G is radiation that uses RF signals below 300MHz. Devices that can detect and measure 5G include Narda RadMan 2XT, Wavecontrol SMP2, WaveMon RF-60 / RF-40, etc.

Gauss Meter, Geiger Counter, and Dosimeter: the Other Instruments You Have to Know

There is another instrument to measure magnetic field. It’s Gauss meter. This instrument can measure both DC and AC magnetic field. Commonly, this device is designed to pick up the magnetic field of a magnet and similar stuff.

Make sure you know that there are ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The EMF radiation is the non-ionizing radiation. In comparison, the ionizing one, we agree this radiation is undoubtedly harmful, cannot be detected and measured with EMF meter but Geiger counter or Dosimeter. There are other instruments to measure ionizing radiation such as survey meter, scintillation detectors, ionizing chamber, etc.

Conclusion: Which One to Buy?

We have a few recommendations from our review. The best overall is the Trifield TF2 EMF meter. This device is easy to use and can detect and measure MF (magnetic field), RF (radio frequency), and EF (electric field). It also features a tri-axis MF sensor. You get many features and functions at a relatively affordable price.

But if you have the budget for an ultimate choice, choose the GQ EMF-390V2 EMF meter. This has advanced features, including data logging and interfacing with PCs. It can also measure MF, EF, and RF and boasts high accuracy and precision.

The last product we recommend is the ErickHill EMF meter. It is a cost-effective option but equally reliable. This device is also feature-rich and capable of measuring MF and EF radiations. But, it cannot measure RF radiation.

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